Product Description
Author: Various - including Orson Scott Card, Dean Hughes, Susan Easton Black and more.
Orson Scott Card, one of the great writers of his generation, reveals the double-edged sword of wealth in "Christmas at Helaman's House." With a new home and bustling business, Helaman learns that we have nothing if we are not willing to share with the poor.
Dean Hughes offers a metaphor of sacrifice in "Accept This." Sometimes accepting the inevitable is the greatest gift we can give.Susan Easton Black discovers a very special secret Santa when she and her three sons face Christmas with "more month than money.
"George Durrant recalls his first Christmas away from home-a time of loss and loneliness, but also a time of discovery that produced a lifetime of joy.
Donald Smurthwaite gives us one of the longest, and most appropriate, titles for any Christmas story with "The Great White-Flocked Aluminum Artificial Christmas Tree That No One for Miles Around Ever Came to See." This short story with the long title comes with a big heart.
Stan Zenk produces chuckles and wonderment in "The Wenceslas Papers," about a down-on-his luck detective (who still uses a fax machine) following strange clues to even stranger events. Is he going crazy, or is the world going crazy, or is it just Christmas in San Francisco?
These stories, along with six others and a handful of poems, bring smiles, warmth, and perhaps a touch of sweet sorrow to all who are venturous enough to join these authors in the spirit of this Christmas season.
Cedar Fort Publishing