Product Description
Author: Tad R. Callister
Descripción del producto
En La Expiación infinita, el hermano Tad R. Callister nos brinda el que puede ser el tratado más exhaustivo, y no por ello menos accesible, que se haya escrito en nuestros días acerca de la Expiación. El autor investiga con minuciosidad el alcance de este «gran y postrer sacrificio», describiendo su poder y profundidad, y explicando cómo nos redime a todos.
Empleando las escrituras y las palabras de los profetas, el hermano Callister explora la divinidad del Salvador y el calado de su amor por la humanidad. Explica además las bendiciones que emanan de la Expiación, haciendo observaciones lúcidas acerca de la resurrección, y los dones de la paz, la motivación, la libertad, la gracia y la exaltación. El hermano Callister desarrolla asimismo la relación entre la justicia y la misericordia, sin dejar de lado la importancia de las ordenanzas. Y nos recuerda poderosamente lo incalculable de la deuda de gratitud que tenemos con Cristo por su ofrenda sin igual.
Con claridad, testimonio y comprensión, La Expiación infinita nos enseña verdades ricas y extraordinarias sobre esta «doctrina por excelencia» y eleva nuestros espíritus a medida que contemplamos el amor perfecto de quien lo dio todo para que podamos recibirlo todo.
This is a must read for any gospel doctrine student. You will never look at the atonement the same way. If you liked BELIEVING CHRIST, you will love this book!!
From the first page to the last, I was hooked on 'The Infinite Atonement.' Each point made was supported by excellent scripture references or quotes by general authorities. It is the kind of book that makes you stop and think, and ponder on what you are reading. It covers a broad spectrum of how infinite the atonement really is. This book is one of the best I've ever read. 'The Infinite Atonement' has the Matt Macey seal of approval!
First of all this book is awesome!. I learned so much about the atonement through it. Second Elder Callister is not a General Authority, he is an Area Authority Seventy.Although his brother Elder Douglas L. Callister is a General Authority. A must read on the book.
TAD R. CALLISTER was serving in the Presidency of the Seventy and as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy when he was called as Sunday School general president in April 2014. Brother Callister received a BS in accounting from Brigham Young University, a JD from the University of California-Los Angeles, and an MS in tax law from New York University Law School. He spent most of his professional career practicing tax law. He and his wife, Kathryn Louise Saporiti, are the parents of six children.
Deseret Book