Product Description
Author: Heather Farrell & Jen Mabry
Cedar Fort
Author: Heather Farrell & Jen Mabry
About the Product: Have you noticed how in the scriptures men are always going into the mountains to commune with God? Yet, in those same scriptures, we hardly ever read of women going there. Women's lives were (and still are) full of responsibilities for sustaining life. Because of this, it was difficult-if not impossible-for them to leave their families to commune with God.
Instead, God often came to women where they were, when they were doing their ordinary, everyday work. He met them at the wells where they drew water for their families. He conversed with them in their homes, kitchens, and gardens. He visited them as they sat beside sickbeds, gave birth, cared for the elderly, and performed necessary mourning and burial rites. In these seemingly mundane and ordinary tasks required to sustain life, women found themselves face to face with divinity.
Join scholars Heather Farrell and Jen Maybray as they take you on a tour of the scriptures to discover how God visited and spoke to women anciently. Learn from them how He still visits and speaks to women today, and be willing to open your eyes and heart to see God in your life, even in the most ordinary, mundane places and in the most remarkable ways!
About the Author: HEATHER FARRELL'S love for the scriptures began early in her life when at the age of eleven she hid a flashlight under her pillow so she could read the Old Testament late at night. Her love for the women in scriptures began when her oldest son was born around Christmastime and she felt a kinship with Mary, the mother of Jesus. As she began to research Mary, she realized that there were hundreds of women in the scriptures, but very little had been written about them. Excited by all the women she discovered, she began sharing what she learned on her website, Women in the Scriptures ( Primarily self-taught in the scriptures, Heather is a testament to the truth that becoming a scholar of the gospel is not beyond anyone's reach.
Pages: 152
Cedar Fort
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